

Support for the Chaplaincy Mission

What Your Contributions Support

Most Chaplaincy operating costs are covered by Diocesan funding or volunteering. However we often make compassionate payments for those in difficulty, for example a cup of tea or food for refugees or stranded travellers; and we also provide some resources for services or worship for any of the faith communities who use the chapels. Your support with these modest expenses is greatly appreciated.

How to Make a Donation

It’s easy to help out by making a small donation: In person, by donating cash or a cheque during services or in the donation box at either the North or South Terminal chapels; by post (see the Contact Us page); or online, by making a BACS donation to the Chaplaincy account: The Gatwick Chapel Foundation Fund, sort code 30-92-38, account # 02192712. Chaplaincy donations are used only to support the Chaplaincy’s mission at the airport. Every donation is appreciated.

Multifaith Contributions

The Gatwick Chaplaincy supports a wide range of faith communities and traditions. Contributions are held in a common fund and allocated for different purposes based on need.


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